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Stock Exchange

Investing, how it should be



We have structured our products so our clients know what we are doing with their money 24/7.  Access live trades from the click of a button and see how we are performing.  No hidden agenda, we are shoulder to shoulder with our clients and benefit from their wins.




No tie-ins, minimum term or liquidity restrictions.  Our average trade period is 17 hours and so our clients can access their funds within 72 hours of withdrawal notification.  You like what we do? Add more.  You don't?  Withdraw. 




Our strategies have consistently outperformed the market over many years of live trading.  The average gross monthly returns of our strategies exceed 15%.   

Don't take our word for it.  Our performance is backed up by GIPS® verified track records.

Risk management sits at the core of our ethos with a dedicated risk department overseeing all trading activity and ensuring pre-defined risk parameters are adhered to.


All strategies have proven track records of outperforming the market.  Track records are verified via CPA, CIPM, and CFA Charterholders in line with The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).


GIPS® is a set of standardized, industry-wide ethical principles that guide investment firms on how to calculate and present their investment performance to prospective clients (CFA Institute).

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